Wednesday, February 3, 2021

Hella notes from the blizzard 02/01-02 (785 wds)



We’re supposed to get eighteen inches. 

It’s really not a good idea to go outside, pretty much. You can get hypothermia. 

De Blasio banned all cars except emergency, or state sanctioned vehicles, so ubers are hella expensive, and they take like two hrs.

I had to be dropped off down the way last night, bc a domestic dispute outside of my house. 

According to my roommates someone got hit w a broom, a janitors broom, so something like 13 cops flooded the block to interrogate the victim, and their family as the perpetrator kept going in and out of the apt they occupied, unnoticed. They didn’t catch him 

This is a full on blizzard. I see ppl out there w umbrellas, and shit. I’ve never seen anything like it. 


I thought they were gonna restrict the stimulus to only ppl that make over fifty thousand a year, but it’s under. Thank god, I was gonna say that doesn’t make any sense. 


Roommate wants to go to the park to take pics, and Idk. 

I’m afraid I won’t make it back if I go out there. Is that rain or snow, maybe both? That’s all bad. I’ve never seen anything like this. I took a couple of vids from my window. 

It honestly looks like it could go up to your knees. Landlord's goin in w the shovel. I almost wanna help him. 

Maybe if it stops tomorrow night, but it might not, who knows. I kinda don’t want our roommate to go. As a friend and roommate, I think it’d be dangerous. 

You heard of Jenny Odell, How to do nothing: Resisting the attention economy. It’s okay, kinda gets into a green agenda, but she’s hella tight 

I just wanna see a bruno mars show before I die.


Roommate just had de ja vu, something about our roommate going out in the snow. 

If you went out there in something like we’re wearing rn, you’d freeze to death, in like twenty min. Naw, Idk, it wouldn’t take that long though.

Haven’t gone to the deli yet, or anywhere for that matter. Roommate, and I are gonna go after he’s done eating. Hopefully we don’t drown in snow, or slip and fall.

He said shoveling isn’t a town effort, but you’re responsible for whatever’s in front of your property, so if anyone slips and falls in front of your shit you could get sued. That’s crazy, so our landlord could get sued if anyone slips in front of our house. 

That's at least what his dad always told him, so that could’ve been just to get him to help shovel. 

Holy shit, the plows lent a little assistance. I wonder if anyone’s ever gotten ran over. 

My friend posted a picture of their car covered in snow, and was like I’m pretty sure there’s a ticket under there somewhere. She’s from Nashville, but I read w her in Chicago. I think she drove out here last weekend for some reason. That’s a ways, probably cheaper than flying though. 

These kids better be coo, hella trying to play out there. 

Friend thinks it’s cool I've never seen snow before. Should I go out there, and make a snow angel and a snow man? Friend was like just a snow angel. 

I wonder if these shoes would be any good. He said I would def have to tuck my pants into my socks, snows higher than that, unless i wanna walk in the streets. But then what if a snow plow comes? I guess I'll just move.



The only trip we made yesterday was to the store. 

We had to walk in the street, bc snow was high on either side. On our way back when we were around twenty feet, or so from our house I was like this is hella fucking tight.

It came down pretty hard yesterday, most snow we had since 2016, but I’ve heard ppl say this is nothing. It’s nothing unless it's like two feet or less. There’s a thirty percent chance of more around nine pm, and then that’s it. 

Then it’s about to get real nasty, when it starts melting, and going away. 

Snow only looks good when it's snowing.

Afterwards it just looks like shit.

It's awful.


Snows - I was gonna say snows hella crazy, but I’ve already said that hella times, and it’s not anymore. Well it is a little. 


No grub hub rn. I mean you could, you just gotta tip heavy. 


I have to go to Billy’s. I have to get food. 

I might just order a turkey club, naw. 

Be brave, go to Billy’s. 

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