Saturday, February 6, 2021

Hella Warriors Poetry IV

Hearing that the warriors were gonna play at seven thirty that night was probably the best news I’ve gotten all week, like a dream come true almost. 

Until then, I swear I had been staying up every night till one to watch them all season, and frankly I was sick of it. 

That night I realized I'm actually sick of that. That shit sucks. It hella wears on you. 

I thought I saw that earlier too, but I couldn’t be sure, bc I thought like the warriors and mavs at seven thirty? Aren't they on the same time zone? But no, Mavs are on their own. 

Central is like an hr behind us, but then still 2 hrs ahead of pacific, so they started at 6:30pm. It would still be 4:30pm in the bay, and ppl would still be at work, so they didn’t do that for us. No, they didn't do that for anybody. Sports are ruthless like that, or time zones are anyway for that matter.

That night was sick though.

We had no centers, bc Wiseman and Looney were out. I didn't see Looney, but he was probably there somewhere. Wiseman was out on the sideline in a cartman hoodie. Something happened to his hand, so I guess Draymond stood in his position as Toscano would go up for the tip. 

I like Toscano. He's hella rowdy, and he talks hella shit. 14 points, hella clutch last night, it was almost his best game. W a two point difference in score between them, and 50% a piece average from the perimeter, him and Mulder were almost like interchangeable. Unlike Wiggins and Bazemore, but Wiggins still managed to walk away w 18 points, one more than Lee's closing score of 17, who was 80% from the perimeter.  

W a 57% field goal average, and 51 from the perimeter, we were pretty dominant inside. I mean very much so, everyone was going in for something like 15 assists from Draymond, which was weird bc we're usually the opposite, but that was Dallas instead that night for whatever reason, or at least it looked that way. 

Now, it’s obvious warriors had more field goals than threes, but did they have more threes than the mavs? Again, obviously but I still asked my roommates, like I prefaced it w idk if this is a stupid question, but - I just thought if the number of threes they shot was lower then it might be curved or something. Like if warriors were 22/43 and Dallas is 20/50, but naw. 

A percentage is a percentage, so warriors were better in every aspect except free throws, which they were only down by like two percent at 85. At 87%, that was the majority of Dallas’s points, jk. That would be lit though, right, if a team won a game on solely free throws? 

I just asked my roommates if that’s ever happened before, and they got hella pissed, like no man. What's your problem?

Honestly Idk what got into Oubre. I mean by the end of the first quarter I thought this guy sucks, but by the end of the first half the announcers were saying this might be his career best, as in career best half, whereas his last career best was a second quarter (i feel like i should say who that's against). And where I don't think he got that record, he still made his career best game by closing that night out w 40 pts. 

I think Draymond and Curry sat out for a majority of the fourth quarter, maybe like five min. Like they just left at some point and never came back.

You know Curry's under hella criticism rn for shooting under forty percent from the perimeter, but he doesn’t have to be any better than that. No, he doesn’t have anything to prove to anyone anymore. He’s been to the ship so many times he doesn’t have to hold himself accountable for shit.

We'll see tonight though.

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