That’s what this journal is today anyway
A soapbox
My journal is my soapbox
When I can’t get up here it’s not
Bc I can’t write
Bc I can’t talk
And that’s exactly what it means when I can’t write
It’s crazy how you have to prove yourself
What you have to do to do that
What you have to do to prove yourself as a copywriter when you’re me
How you have to be in-house as the only copywriter at a company who hasn’t any idea what that process takes other than the experiences they’ve had w past copywriters
Which says nothing
Bc they were probably giving them the same shit
It’s hella hard
And they have no idea what it’s like to be the only in-house copywriter on a team of product managers
And graphic designers
It’s hella fucked
But it’s also comforting in a way
Bc that should tell you how much their words mean when it comes to their opinions of your work
And where you are as a copywriter
Bc they don’t have any idea
If they think you’re the worst copywriter they ever had no shit
You told them that’s what hiring you would mean based on your past experience like for how quote unquote bad this is going this is the best experience I’ve ever had as a copywriter
Idk if they realize that
How much more this is benefitting me atm than it is them
So basically take every opinion of your copy
And work ethic as a copywriter from them w a grain of salt
Bc this is more
Or less your first rodeo
Every time is
I’m like a con artist in that way
I have no idea what im doing